Тереблеченська громада
Чернівецька область, Чернівецький район


Construction of a logistics center in the village of Terebleche, Chernivtsi district, Chernivtsi region Будівництво логістичного центру в селі Тереблече, Чернівецького району, Чернівецької області

The village of Terebleсe is located on the international route E85, which originates in Lithuania and ends in Greece with a length of 2315 kilometers, Ukraine is one of the two non-member states of the European Union through which this route passes. On the way of this route in the village of Terebleche there is an international checkpoint "Porubne-Siret" where customs clearance of goods going to the European Union is carried out. "Porubne-Siret" is the only checkpoint for entry and exit to Romania from the Chernivtsi region, as a result of which the queues of trucks are from 50 cars with a length of several kilometers each day. The project plans to build a logistics center in the village of Terebleche for trucks moving to or from Ukraine. The construction of the logistics center will reduce the supply chain of goods from producers to consumers, unload the checkpoint and the M19 road section from trucks. Сommunity has a transportable and profitable land plot of more than 12 hectares to create a logistics center, which is located near the main road of the village of Terebleche. To increase the number of customers and the level of awareness about the availability of a logistics center near a member state of the European Union in the project to build a logistics center will create a site with information about the center so people can find information on the Internet and billboards on the road M19

16:00 10.09.2019

About the community

The Terebleche community formed in 2016 united 4 villages: Terebleche — the administrative center of the community, Horbivtsi, Nyzhni and Verkhni Synivtsi. In 2017, the community began to work independently. The population of the community is 5,170 people, most of whom are people of working age 18-60 years, the community covers 67.8 square kilometers

14:29 04.04.2019

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